The Fifth and Sixth Graders used Paint to create a diagram of the earth's layers. They were expected to include one fact for each layer and to save their diagram to the server. There are some super artistic students! Way to go kids!
Train a child up in the way he should go...
Proverbs 22:6
Proverbs 22:6
Birthdays of the month, tally marks n' Excel graphs- 2nd-4th Grade
As a mini-checkpoint assessment for Excel, the Second-Fourth Graders collected data using tally marks, converted the tally marks to numbers, layed out the data on an Excel spreadsheet and created a bar graph. The data that we collected was a count of birthdays for each month of our classmates and family members. I kept track of the count using tally marks on the white board as the students dug deep into their minds to remember when their classmates' and family members' birthdays were. Once all of the data was collected, the students took turns converting the tally marks to numbers. Then, with very little help from me, they were instructed create the spreadsheet and graph. There were a handful of students who remembered all of the steps, and they proudly reminded the others who had forgotten. It was a triumph for those who remembered and a good review for those who forgot!
Thankful for- 2nd-4th Grade
The Second-Fourth Graders are working on a simple MS Word document to help them reflect on for what they are thankful. The document begins with "I am thankful for:" and it continues with a list of things that the students feel blessed for having in their lives. They reviewed how to insert bullets and how to "define a new bullet" using a picture or symbol. They also reviewed how to insert clipart, format clipart text-wrapping, and change the font.
Sympathy Word Clouds- 3rd &4th Grade
The Third and Fourth Graders created sympathy word clouds using for their teacher, Mrs. Paulsen. Mrs. Paulsen's father passed away on Friday. With the help of Pastor Wagner, the students listed words, phrases and Biblical verses that pertain to going home to heaven, and then they used the words to create the word clouds. The kids saved their work on the server, I printed the word clouds using a color printer, and we worked together to create a collage of the word clouds on a poster. Here is some of their work!
Scripture Poster- 3rd & 4th Grade
The students Googled "popular Bible verses" to find their favorite verse. They copied and pasted the verse to a Word document. Then the students Googled images that were relevant to their verse by typing in the book, chaper and verse number in the search bar. This assignment was a review of many skills including using search engines and Word tools such as copy/paste, aligment, image boarder, image text wrapping, image resizing, and footer/header.
Favorite Ice Cream- 3rd & 4th Grade
The Third and Fourth Graders created a spreadsheet and graph using "favorite ice cream flavors" as their topic. They learned some new skills including hiding rows in an Excel spreadsheet and using the "PrtScn" key to copy & paste an image of the screen to Paint. Below are the images that they generated using the PrtScn key.
Word Cloud-5th & 6th Grade
Animal Homes- 2nd Grade

Excel Introduction- 2nd Grade

Online Interview with a Wifelife Expert - 5th & 6th Grade

Field Trip Earth Skype- 5th & 6th Grade

Future Skyping Opportunity- 3rd & 4th Grade
Keep your eyes peeled for more about Mr. Ed White, author of Foxy's Tale and Iditarod competitor. He offers free video conferencing opportunities for schools. I contacted Mr. White today, and he has already responded. We will be scheduling a Skype session for Feb/Mar when the 3rd and 4th Graders do a unit on Alaska and the Iditarod! The class will read Mr. White's book before the video conference. The book is a 4th grade level book with 88 pages.
Below is a youtube video featuring Mr. White:
Keep your eyes peeled for more about Mr. Ed White, author of Foxy's Tale and Iditarod competitor. He offers free video conferencing opportunities for schools. I contacted Mr. White today, and he has already responded. We will be scheduling a Skype session for Feb/Mar when the 3rd and 4th Graders do a unit on Alaska and the Iditarod! The class will read Mr. White's book before the video conference. The book is a 4th grade level book with 88 pages.
Below is a youtube video featuring Mr. White:
Mammal Slideshow Project- 5th & 6th Grade

State Fact Sheet- 2nd Grade

Marketing Slogan Search- 5th & 6th Grade

Johnny Appleseed Week- Kindergarten

"A World of Adventure" Postcard on Publisher- 5th & 6th Grade

US Regions Informational Postcard on Publisher- 3rd & 4th Grade

8.20.2011 | Kids Educational Computer Games & Activities Kids Educational Computer Games & Activities in Kindergarten? I think so! Check it out! in Kindergarten? I think so! Check it out!
I found the following website during my Summer vacation. I plan to use it in my computer class :)
I learned about a cool website called "The Stock Market Game" while watching PBS Biz Kids.
I look forward to using this awesome program with my upper elementary and junior high students!
"Welcome to the Iowa Stock Market Game™ Program - Celebrating Over 30 Years!
The Stock Market Game program has worked for over nine million students by appealing to their desire to gain financial independence and experience a little competition. It`s very easy to implement, reaches across the entire curriculum, and is fun to teach.
The Stock Market Game ™ program transports students into real world investing while learning academic concepts that relate to their entire core curriculum. Students (grades 4-12) buy into the entire process through active involvement. Students work in teams practicing leadership, organization, negotiation, and cooperation. As they work to grow their $100,000 virtual cash accounts into a top-performing portfolio, they develop strong interests in the daily events that shape our world and barely realize how much math, business, economics, language arts and social studies they’re learning. Students compete against their classmates as well as other schools so kids see the program as "fun."
No prior knowledge of the stock market is needed! The Stock Market Game program provides lesson plans that teachers weave into their existing plans, giving difficult concepts an easy-to-understand, real-life spin. For only an hour or so a week, or however long teachers choose, students retain more. On-line training materials are provided and teacher-training workshops are available.
Thanks to a generous grant from the SIFMA Foundation for Investor Education, the program is offered at no cost! Simply skip the billing information section on the registration page!"
Charity Recipient of our Coin Donation- 5th & 6th Grade
The Fifth and Sixth Graders voted on a charity to be the recipient of our coin donation. Ronald McDonald House of Iowa City will be the charity that will recieve the $95 from Mrs. Miller's large stash of coins. The Fifth/Sixth Graders chose this charity because three of our ZSJ students have stayed at the house during their medical appointments at the University of Iowa Hospital. I was very delighted with the student's choice!
I would like to make it an annual tradition at our school to hold a coin drive and donation that is 100% directed by the ZSJ students!
Updated: The Ronald McDonald House of Iowa City is running a great contest for participating elementary schools called "Pull Tabs". Take a look!
I would like to make it an annual tradition at our school to hold a coin drive and donation that is 100% directed by the ZSJ students!
Updated: The Ronald McDonald House of Iowa City is running a great contest for participating elementary schools called "Pull Tabs". Take a look!
Google Search and Christian Movie- 3rd-5th Grade
The Third through Fifth Graders are working on a Christian movie using Windows Movie Maker. The first task was to search for Christian images to be used in the movie. The kids used Google as their search engine. We learned quickly that typing in generic key words such as "Jesus" and "God" was not the best way to search for good pictures. We found many disrespectful pictures geared at mocking Christianity. I challanged the students to think of other key words for good search results. After giving the example "Triune God" and "The Good Shepherd," the kids started coming up with some great ideas. Some of the key words the kids thought of were Worthy is the Lamb, The Lord is my Savior, Father Son and Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, God my Father, I shall not want, etc.
Once the students collect at least 20 images in their pictures folder, they will begin to work on their movie. This project will be their final project of this school year.
Once the students collect at least 20 images in their pictures folder, they will begin to work on their movie. This project will be their final project of this school year.
Favorite Seasons- 2nd Grade
The Second Graders made suggestions for projects to go along with their Science theme, seasons. The students suggested creating a fact sheet using word, a slide show using PowerPoint and a graph using Excel. The kids voted, and the graph with Excel project won the majority!
The students rated each season, one being their least favorite and four being their favorite. I recorded all of the data, and the students worked together to add the numbers. The students typed the total data into the spreadsheet. Then, they showed me how to create a pie chart using the data. I was delighted to see that everyone was able to create a chart!
The kids formatted the chart color and font style, and they added a title. Then, they saved their work to the server. Good job Second Grade!

The students rated each season, one being their least favorite and four being their favorite. I recorded all of the data, and the students worked together to add the numbers. The students typed the total data into the spreadsheet. Then, they showed me how to create a pie chart using the data. I was delighted to see that everyone was able to create a chart!
The kids formatted the chart color and font style, and they added a title. Then, they saved their work to the server. Good job Second Grade!

Class Cookbook- 5th & 6th Grade
The Fifth and Sixth Graders have been working on a class cookbook since the beginning of the school year. Each student published their favorite recipe on Word, and they shared the prepared recipe with their class. Last week they created a title page. This week, I printed off 16 copies of each recipe and lamenated the title pages. The books will be spiral bound, and the students will have a keep-sake cookbook! Check out some of the recipes! The kids put a lot of work and time into their work:

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