Train a child up in the way he should go...

Proverbs 22:6


Put on the Armor of God

Growing up as a kid, I was very much sheltered from individuals who didn't believe in Christ as their Savior. I lived in a community that was a "safe zone" for Christians because we didn't have to face interference from non-believers who wanted to challenge our faith. It wasn't until I was in junior high school when I first heard the word "atheist." I learned the definition thanks to a friend who announced that she didn't believe in God. Oh boy, was I ever shell shocked! Why would anyone NOT want to believe in the loving God that resided in every one's heart? I was somewhat traumatized by this new discovery.

20 some years later I am beginning to understand the devastating struggle between believers and non-believers. As I become more versed in the many books of the Holy Bible, I realize that Christians are up against a very crafty opposition, and it is important as ever that we "put on the armor of God."

Here are some details to ponder:

  1. The Devil is very much at work in this world. He persistently attempts to challenge the faith of Christians. He will not give up until the end of days.
  2. The Devil is very crafty. He attempts to mislead in a very persistent and convincing way. He attempts to make people question their faith by mocking everything related to Christianity including the Bible, miracles, prayer, and God's love.
  3. Christians need to "put on the armor of God" at all times to keep ourselves close to our loving Father. The "armor" is our faith, and we "wear" it by reading of the Word and practicing what the Lord has commanded of us. We use our armor to denounce the Devil's attempts.

The Internet has given the Devil a free avenue to reach more people today than ever before. Please, when you visit the Internet, remember your faith, and put on the armour of God.

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